Currently teaching GCSE Maths with the EDUQAS exam board in an FE College as well as A-Level Maths with Edexcel. Always keen to hear about your spreadsheet problems!
Currently teaching GCSE Maths with the EDUQAS exam board in an FE College as well as A-Level Maths with Edexcel. Always keen to hear about your spreadsheet problems!
I’m back with an End of Term Summer quiz to provide you and your students with a little bit of fun. This quiz was built using Genially rather than PPoint which has always has compatability issues. Genially just needs an internet browser :-) It can also be updated without me re-uploading and you re-downloading!
The quiz is 8 rounds totalling 80 marks:
Picture round (with optional timer)
Monthly Roundup
General Knowledge
Subjects (2 Maths, 2 English, 3 Science, 1 Geography, 1 History, 1 Environment)
True or False
The quiz is aimed at the full range of Secondary School students. It should keep you busy for about one hour depending on your pace (and the class).
I’m uploading a little early, but some of us are saying goodbye to GCSE classes in just a few weeks, possibly even earlier if anyone is giving them study leave!
Keep an eye out for offers, I will do an early bird offer to give you the opportunity to buy at the lowest price TES will allow.
Have fun, please review if you like it and feel free to contact me with any problems.
Its Christmas quiz time! 8 rounds, 90 marks, some fun stuff and a subject round as well. Should keep students busy for an hour or more depending on your pace. Make some good memories in the last lesson of this term.
After a very successful Summer quiz using Genially rather than PPoint, here is a Christmas Quiz for your students with Genially again. Genially just needs an internet browser :-) It can also be updated without me re-uploading and you re-downloading!
The quiz is 8 rounds totalling 90 marks:
Picture round (with optional timer)
Top Toys
Xmas Food
Subjects (2 Maths, 2 English, 3 Science, 1 Geography, 1 History, 1 Environment)
True or False (Xmas traditions)
I hope you enjoy using Genially and I hope you have fun, please review if you like it and feel free to contact me with any problems.
NB I have not had time to update from last year, but this none of the questions are exclusive to 2022, so still perfect for this year!
Hoping to make Excel easy!
Here is a spreadsheet that allows you to create your own report templates and then merge them together for your students.
I have done all the hard bits for you, you simply write the templates, then put in the student names and bits of data you wish to include and then pick the template/s you wish to apply to that student and the report will automatically generate.
The spreadsheet is fully adaptable and should work for many different scenarios. I have also written a short guide for anyone who needs it.
This is the third resource in a little series of spreadsheets I have been producing recently (see my shop).
Hoping to make Excel easy!
Here is a fully functioning Spreadsheet to record test scores for all of your students. You can include multiple classes and even multiple tutors. The spreadsheet also offers in-built analysis of the data, by class, by tutor or even by student.
I have done all the hard bits for you, however, particularly for the analysis section you may want to read the very short guidance attached to understand how it works and how you can use it :-)
This is the second resource in a little series of spreadsheets I have been producing recently (see my shop).
Let AI do the hard part of writing reports! With this spreadsheet you can quickly copy over your student names, attendance, grades and target grades etc. Then provide three short descriptors for each student, could be a single word, could be a sentance. The last cell populates with an instruction you can copy into chat gpt which will return a report for that student. You can then refine that report either by asking chat gpt to modify it or manually yourself.
Introducing the Teacher’s Markbook - Making Excel easy! This Excel file is all you need to bring your Markbook fully into the 21st Century dazzling colleagues and students alike. Microsoft Excel is a fantastic tool, but hard to learn, yet this is unnecessary because I have done ALL of the hard work for you. This is now the 4th Edition and appears pretty bug free, ty for the feedback :-)
Features: Classwork Markbook, Homework Markbook, Gap Analysis/Traffic Light sheets for Tests and Level Trackers for GCSE 9-1, GCSE A*-U and National Curriculum (3a etc.). The Report Sheet has also been updated giving you suggested attitude/attainment scores for each pupil automatically.
If something isn’t working please contact me.
Hoping to make Excel easy!
Here is a fully functioning Register to keep track of the attendance of all of your students. You can include multiple classes and even multiple tutors. The spreadsheet also offers some analysis of the data, by class or by tutor.
Although I have done all the hard bits for you, it will still take a little understanding to get up and running (5mins tops). So I have written a short guide to take you through it.
This is the first in a little series of spreadsheets I hope to produce over the next few months (see my shop).
This is a complete guide that any teacher with access to Microsoft Excel can work through to improve their own spreadsheet skills. Users create a mock markbook, utilising every feature in Excel I can think would be useful for a teacher.
You can go through from start to finish, or just pick out a key feature you want to work through.
See below for a list of things covered, though this list is by no means exhaustive and there is a lot more detail. Equally, if you are a beginner most of it may make no sense. Rest assured there will be something in there that can speed up your life by making good use of a spreadsheet.
Some of my favourites are being able to click a button to auto-generate an email to a specific student with parent CC’d in. Mail-merging reports to students and parents. Tracking attendance. Tracking test performance. Counting responses. Creating individual reports for students.
Also note that you can always email me for more support. I am always looking for a new Excel challenge, so if there is something you want to achieve but you aren’t sure how, get in contact with me (I do not charge for that sort of support).
Key features covered:
Inserting a table
Sorting data, grouping data
Resizing columns, centering data, inserting borders & more style features.
Conditional formatting
Freezing panes
Data validation
Button click emails
Named ranges